You wake up inside an old, run down cottage scattered with old books and jars of curious substances. It is (text-style: "blurrier")[dimly] lit by several candles around the room, and a sliver of moonlight shining through a small window. You see a vague outline of trees outside the window, but there seems to be no sign of life for miles. Where are you? More importantly, how did you get here? You don't know how to begin answering those two questions, but time will tell.
You reach inside your back pocket for your phone, but it's nowhere to be found. Feeling trapped, you begin to panic until you feel a small card in your pocket instead. Upon first glance, you believe that it is some sort of strangely decorated playing card, but you soon realize that it is something entirely different. It's a tarot card; the knight of swords, more specifically. Is this some sort of sick prank? No, no it is not.
Filled with curiosity and (text-style: "shadow")[dread], you take in your surroundings.
(if: $inv contains "knight card")[ ]
(else:)[Frantically try to [[open the door]].]
[[Take a closer look at the tarot card.]]
[[Look around the room.]]
<img src=>
var audio = document.createElement('audio');
audio.src = '';
audio.loop = true;;
You move near one of the candles so that you can see the images on the card more clearly. You see a knight clad in armor, riding a horse and holding a sword with his arm outstretched. But the candlelight reveals more than just the image. A secret message slowly begins to appear.
[[Read the message on the knight card]]
<img src=>
<img src=>(set: $password to (prompt: "What is the password?","0000"))
(if: $password is "2438")[You are correct. View the [[contents of ingredients chest]] ](else:)[You are wrong. [[Try again->Password]]]
(link: "View Tarot Spread")
[<img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=>]
(if: $hints contains "yes hints")[
(if: visits > 4) + (unless: visits > 7)[(link: "<img src=''>")[Recall the order in which you found the cards. Each tarot card represents a digit in the password. Now, count the number of white stars on each card- that will be your password.]]
(else-if: visits > 6)[(link: "<img src=''>")[The knight of swords has 2 stars, the hanged man has 4 stars, the moon has 3 stars, and the star card has 8 stars.]]
(else:)[]//"So you think you have what it (link-reveal: "takes? ")
[<br>Perhaps we ought to raise the (link-reveal: "stakes. ")
[<br>You are about to face a series of (link-reveal: "tests ")
[<br>It won't be enough to try your (link-reveal: "best. ")
[<br>This quest will be a test of (link-reveal: "wits. ")
[<br>Only if your courage (link-reveal: "permits, ")
[<br>So, follow the (link-reveal: "clues. ")
[<br>That's what you'll (link-reveal: "do. ")
[<br>If you do not heed my (link-reveal: "advice, ")
[<br>You'll die at my next sacrifice."]]]]]]]]]//
<img src=>
(if: $inv contains "knight card")[ ]
(else:)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "knight card"))]
[[Look around the room.]]
Check [[Inventory]] You quickly try to scan the room, but the abundance of clutter overwhelms your senses.
No matter how on edge you feel, you need to find answers.
Search through the tall [[mahogany cabinet]].
Read the books in the [[bookshelf]].
Shuffle through the papers on the [[desk]].
Go to the [[fireplace]].
[[Take a closer look at the tarot card.]]
Check [[Inventory]]
<img src=>
(link: "Save Game")[(save-game: $playerName)]
(if: $hints contains "yes hints")[(link: "<img src=''>")[(goto:"Oracle Hints")
(else:)[](if: $inv's length > 0)[Your inventory contains a (print: $inv.join(", ")).]
(else:)[Your inventory is empty.]
(click: "knight card")[<img src=>]
(click: "healing potion")[<img src=>]
(click: "hanged man card")[<img src=>]
(click: "moon card")[<img src=>]
(click: "star card")[<img src=>]
(click: "magic wand")[<img src=>]
(click: "potion recipe")
[To escape death:
You must follow each step in this exact order:
*Risks: death, comas, paralysis*
1. Pour water from the river Styx into cauldron
2. Add vial of crushed unicorn horn and slowly mix until dissolved
3. Stir rattlesnake blood into mixture
4. Crush leaves of the tree of life and sprinkle on top
5. Add a strand of (print: $playerName + "'s") hair
6. Slowly pour liquified gold from the ancient city of gold while mixing
Warning: If you do not follow each step exactly, you will surely die]
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)Welcome,
I must give a warning now...This game is not for the faint of heart.
If you experience claustrophobia, enter at your own risk. After all, you are about to be **trapped** in a remote cottage.
This game is quite different from others; it contains (text-style: "smear")[magic.] As a result, many of the items will change as you progress through your quests. In other words, expect the unexpected. You will only have 30 minutes to escape the cottage; if you do not beat the game in time, you will surely die.
If you muster up the courage to play anyway, be sure to enter your name when prompted. Each time you find a clue, it will be located in your [[Inventory]]. If you cannot manage to escape the right way, you may consult the Oracle's eye by clicking on the eye at the bottom of the page. (if: (history:) contains "Inventory")[Would you like to enable hints?
Go straight to the (link-goto: "Ending", "journal")
(set: $saves to (saved-games:))
{(if: $saves contains "playerName")[
(link: "Load Game")[(load-game: "playerName")]
(if: (history:) contains "Inventory")[(set: $playerName to (prompt: "Please enter your name:", "Harry Potter")) Without further ado,
Let's [[Begin]]...]
(set: $inv to (a:))
(set: $hints to (a:))
(click: ?Yes)[(set: $hints to $hints + (a: "yes hints"))]
(click: ?No)[(set: $hints to $hints + (a: "no hints"))]
(link: "<img src=''>")[At least start the game first...]You walk towards the tall wooden cabinet filled with colorful bottles and trinkets of varying shape and size. You are careful not to make any sudden movements, as one tap could send each glass bottle crashing on the floor.
Holding your breath, you inch closer to one of the apothecary bottles to read its label. What does it say?
<img src=>
Open the [[ingredients chest]].
Check [[Inventory]]
[[Look around the room.]]
(if: $hints contains "yes hints")[(link: "<img src=''>")[(goto:"Oracle Hints")
(else:)[]As you walk closer to the bookshelf, you become overwhelmed with the scent of aged books. Yet, it is no ordinary scent, it seems to have a soft voice calling you- pulling you towards it.
<img src=>
Read [[Lunar Astrology]]
Read [[Summoning Spirits]]
Read [[Philosophy of Magic]]
Check [[Inventory]]
[[Look around the room.]]
(if: $hints contains "yes hints")[(link: "<img src=''>")[(goto:"Oracle Hints")
(else:)[]You view the ornate crystalized bottle and notice a bright green gas emanating from the glowing liquid. This could not possibly be real, right?
But you would not dare open the bottle.
<img src=>
View the [[mahogany cabinet]]
(if: $inv contains "hanged man card")[You notice a small stuffed doll with several pins sticking out of it in each direction. The sadistic person who created this doll also tied a noose around its neck and hung it off the edge of the shelf. You must have missed it before, but you certainly see it now. Carefully trying not to prick your finger, you remove the [[doll]] from its noose.]
(else:)[~~Move the potion~~]As you gaze into the semi-transparent glass bottle, you feel as if every (text-style: "smear")[star] in the galaxy is contained in one bottle.
If only you could drink this and (link-reveal: "walk out of here.")[ Did you really think it would be that easy?]
<img src=>
View the [[mahogany cabinet]]
(if: $inv contains "star card")[Use [[Invisibility potion]] on the pages]
(else:)[~~Use Potion~~]If you ever make it out of here, make sure to bring //this// with you.
<img src=>
View [[mahogany cabinet]] You see the shimmery blue liquid swirling around inside the bottle, and cannot help but touch it. You wonder if this is a trick, and the bottle is actually filled with a poison...It would be best not to injure yourself.
<img src=>
View [[mahogany cabinet]]
(if: $inv contains "healing potion")[]
(else:)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "healing potion"))]You walk towards the desk in the center of the room. As you get closer, you feel an overwhelming sense of wonder and mystery. It's as if the desk itself is radiating a tangible energy that pulls you closer- sending hot and cold shock sensations throughout your body. Overcome with curiosity, you must explore.
<img src=>
Look through [[scrolls]].
Gaze in the [[crystal ball]].
Read [[Grimoire]].
Open box of [[curios]].
Check [[Inventory]]
[[Look around the room.]]
(if: $hints contains "yes hints")[(link: "<img src=''>")[(goto:"Oracle Hints")
(else:)[]You see a large pile of old scrolls, yet you cannot make sense of their contents. Many pages seem to be missing large blocks of text. There is only one tattered page that appears to be complete, but it is written in a strange code.
<img src=>
(if: $inv contains "cipher key")[Now, [[Decode the scroll]].]
(else:)[~~Decode the scroll~~]
View the rest of the [[desk]].You open an old, tattered book to find that you cannot seem to piece the words together. Every time you read a (text-style: "expand")+(text-style: "rumble")[character], it starts to move around the page, or morph into a strange design.
<img src=>
Look through the rest of the [[desk]].You open a large brown chest filled with several curious objects. There are crystals and large animal bones. You notice that many of the items have strange inscriptions on them. None of them are labeled, but you can be sure that they have a sinister purpose. Two particular items catch your eye. One is a large faceted amethyst crystal pendant attached to a long silver chain. The second is a small dagger stowed away in a brown leather sheathe.
Examine the [[amulet]].
(if: $inv contains "knight card")[Pick up [[dagger]].]
(else:)[You cannot examine the dagger //yet.//]
Look through the rest of the [[desk]]
You pick up the dagger and feel its weight in your hand. The deep tanned leather is embossed with even more curious designs. What sort of magical purpose could this one have?
Examine other [[curios]]
[[Unsheathe dagger]] You pull the double-edged dagger out of its sheathe, and notice the edge of a piece of paper poking out of the sheathe. You carefully pull on the corner, trying not to rip the page, and see that it's a folded card. Perhaps another (link-reveal: "tarot card? ")[You guessed it! You unfold the card and see a strange image of a] (link-reveal: "hanged man ")<br>
[<img src=>]
(if: $inv contains "hanged man card")[]
(else:)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "hanged man card"))]
Look through other [[curios]].Pick up the doll and [[remove the pins]].
(if: $inv contains "healing potion")[Revive the doll by giving it the [[healing potion]].]
(else:)[ ](if:$inv contains "moon card")[You open the book, and immediately notice the corner of what must be a tarot card peeking out and a few blank sheets of paper hidden between some of the pages. The pages are blank, but the edges are old and worn. What sort of unknown secrets lie in these pages? The answer, as always, lies in the cards.
(link: "Pull card out.")[<br> <img src=>
First The Moon, and now The Star- how fitting.]
(if: $inv contains "star card")[ ]
(else:)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "star card"))]]
(else:)[You open the book and find long lists of constellations and their magical correspondences.
You turn several pages and come across descriptions of moon phases:
"The New Moon: A time when the veil between the physical and supernatural world is at its thinnest. This is the time to contact the deceased, perform divination and form pacts with spirits. However, the new moon is a phase when practitioners are most susceptible to attacks; protection spells are a necessity.
The Full Moon: The phase of power- that is the true nature of the full moon. This is the best time to brew fresh potions for the month, as the potions will be most potent when they bask in the light of a full moon. Beware of the werewolves."]
View other books on the [[bookshelf]].You remove the crystal amulet from the box and admire how the facets reflect the candlelight all around the room. As you peer into the heart of the crystal, you can see a whole world of mystical movement inside. It's as if the amulet is alive, and possesses a life and memories of its own.
<img src=>
Look at other [[curios]].You carefully remove each of the pins and place them on the nearby desk. Once you remove the last pin from the doll, the red heart that seemed to be stitched on falls right off- revealing a small hole with white stuffing sticking out.
[[Push the stuffing back inside]]
[[Pin the heart back on the doll]](set: $inv to $inv - (a: "healing potion"))
You pour the sparkling blue healing potion over the doll- hoping that it will revive the doll, but nothing happens. After a few seconds, the potion dissolves and the doll is no less dead.
Only now, you no longer have your healing potion! After all, that is what happens when you try to use a **healing** potion on an inanimate object... Now you //really// can't get hurt!
Try something else on the [[doll]]You begin to push the white stuffing back inside the doll's body- hoping that whoever this doll represents isn't dead. Instead, you feel the outline of a small object inside the doll. You reach inside the tear in the fabric and carefully pull the object out. You pull it out and find that it's yet another folded up tarot card. This time, however, it's (link-reveal: "The Moon.")[<br> <img src=>]
(if: $inv contains "moon card")[ ]
(else:)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "moon card"))]
Go back to the [[mahogany cabinet]]. You reach over to the pile of pins on the desk and try picking one up, but they start to prick your finger! If you keep trying, you just might end up like that poor doll...
Continue to pick up pins so you can die and return to the [[Beginning]].
Try something else on the [[doll]].Seriously? You're giving up that easily?? This time, you're going back to the ''real'' [[Intro]]...Click the crystal ball to divine.
(if: $inv contains "magic wand")[(link: "<img src=''>")[(goto:"Divination")]
audio.src = '';
(else:)[You stare deeply into the glowing crystal ball- curious to know if you will suddenly see visions of the future.
(link: "<img src=''>")
[Nothing happens. Maybe you don't have the psychic gene.
Look through the rest of the [[desk]].]] (if: $inv contains "potion recipe")[//To find what you need,
the cards, you will read.
In the dead of night,
there will be little light,
but look to the stars,
they are not so far.//
View [[Inventory]]
(link: "View Tarot Spread")
[<img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=>]
You may now attempt to enter the 4 digit [[Password]].]
(else:)[The ingredients chest is locked. Come back when you decode the scroll.
Go back to the [[mahogany cabinet]].]You remove the cork from the bottle and immediately see a sparkling smoke rise from the potion and tickle your nostrils. You proceed to gently pour the liquid over every part of the blank parchment, and (text-style: "smear")[magic] starts to occur right before your eyes. Even after all the strange things you have seen, a part of you was not convinced of the magic within the room. But now, you believe- without a shadow of doubt- that the tangible energy radiating throughout the room is indeed magic. With this realization, you begin to see the key to reading the encoded scroll.
(if: $inv contains "cipher key")[ ]
(else:)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "cipher key"))]
Go back to the [[desk]].When you open the chest, you see several ornately decorated bottles filled with colorful substances. Wedged between two of the bottles lies a small note:
//"(print: $playerName),
You have almost completed the last of your tasks. Now is your chance to mix your first potion. Potions require precision and focus; as a result, you will be unable to read the recipe or view ingredient labels while you are working. Be sure to memorize the ingredients now. Good luck.//
Rattlesnake blood (Red)
Crushed Unicorn horn (Purple)
Leaves from the tree of life (Green)
Water from the river styx (Blue)
Liquified gold from the ancient city of gold (Gold)
<img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=>
Go to the [[fireplace]].
(if: $inv contains "potion ingredients")[ ]
(else:)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "potion ingredients"))]You hold the cipher key next to the encoded scroll, and begin to translate the foreign characters...
(link: "Read translated scroll:")
[To escape death:
You must follow each step in this exact order:
*Risks: death, comas, paralysis*
1. Pour water from the river Styx into cauldron
2. Add vial of crushed unicorn horn and slowly mix until dissolved
3. Stir rattlesnake blood into mixture
4. Crush leaves of the tree of life and sprinkle on top
5. Add a strand of (print: $playerName + "'s") hair
6. Slowly pour liquified gold from the ancient city of gold while mixing
Warning: If you do not follow each step exactly, you will surely die]
(if: $inv contains "potion recipe")[]
(else:)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "potion recipe"))]
View the rest of the [[desk]].
[[Look around the room.]] "Magic is certainly possible without spirit communication, but the possibilities of magic are endless when a practitioner forms pacts with spirits. Though the physical world has certain laws that cannot be broken, the spiritual world is limitless.
Practitioners must be mindful of malevolent spirits. If deals are broken, many spirits become vengeful, and may cause great harm to the practitioner. Some spirits may attempt to trick practitioners into making deals that they do not intend to keep- do not blindly trust any spirits of the supernatural realm."
View other books on the [[bookshelf]].Upon opening the book, you see a handwritten note just below the title on the first page:
//"Throughout history, different civilizations have practiced varying forms of magic. Such practices have heavily influenced politics, human relationships, and the natural world itself. Magic has become a lost art today, but that only means it may be kept out of the wrong hands.
Magic has the potential to be humanity's downfall, or its savior. It is simply up to the practitioner to choose. I speak not of illusion, nor the Judeo-Christian concept of Satanic magic; rather, I refer to the scientific art of enacting one's own will through supernatural means. Why has it not been proven? I urge you to look at the world before you- that is all the proof you need.//
The words on the page send shivers down your spine, and you become hyperaware of the strangeness in the air around you.
View other books on the [[bookshelf]].Your heart starts racing and you begin to panic. No matter how hard you try turning the doorknob, it just won't budge. Fresh out of ideas, you lunge towards the door and smack against it. Instead of crashing through the door or falling on the ground, you are thrown backwards with an immense force. You fall on the ground with your back against the hardwood floor, turn your head to the right, and realize that you were an inch shy of cracking your skull on the nearby hearth. Your panicked state almost killed you, so you decide to pull yourself together and search for answers.
[[Look around the room.]]
[[Take a closer look at the tarot card.]] (if: $inv contains "potion ingredients")[You collect the potion ingredients and walk over to the fireplace. Before you start mixing the potion, you read through the recipe several times- confirming that you know exactly how to create the potion. After all, the consequences of mixing it incorrectly are detrimental.
Check [[Inventory]].
Start brewing the [[potion]].
[[Look around the room.]]]
(else:)[You walk over to the red-brick fireplace to find an empty cauldron hanging over a small fire. You peer inside the cauldron and see tiny droplets of a shimmering blue liquid. Perhaps it's a bit of potion residue.
<img src=>
[[Look around the room.]]]
(if: $hints contains "yes hints")[(link: "<img src=''>")[(goto:"Oracle Hints")
(else:)[]Click the Cauldron to start.
Click each ingredient in the proper order.
(link: '<img src="">')[<img src=''>]
(set: $potion to (a:))
[<img src=''>]<potion1| [<img src=>]<potion3| [<img src=>]<potion6| [<img src=>]<potion2|[<img src=>]<potion4|
[Add a strand of your hair]<potion5|
(link: "Done?")[ [[Test Potion]].]
(if: $hints contains "yes hints")[(link: "<img src=''>")[(goto:"Oracle Hints")
(click: "?potion1")[(set: $potion to $potion + (a: "step one"))]
(click: "?potion2")[(set: $potion to $potion + (a: "step two"))]
(click: "?potion3")[(set: $potion to $potion + (a: "step three"))]
(click: "?potion4")[(set: $potion to $potion + (a: "step four"))]
(click: "?potion5")[(set: $potion to $potion + (a: "step five"))]
(click: "?potion6")[(set: $potion to $potion + (a: "step six"))]
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</script>{(if: $potion is (a: "step one", "step two", "step three", "step four", "step five", "step six"))[Congratulations! You have successfully brewed your first potion!
Go to the [[crystal ball]] to discover the past.
(if: $inv contains "magic wand")[]
(else:)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "magic wand"))]]
(else-if: $inv contains "healing potion")[ You brewed the potion incorrectly. Use your healing potion to revive yourself and brew the [[potion]] again.(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "healing potion"))]
(else:)[You brewed your potion incorrectly, but the Oracle will save you if you answer this question correctly:
On this night, the moon is at the optimum phase for potion brewing. Which phase is this?
(set: $full to "Full Moon")(set: $new to "New Moon")(set: $waxing to "Waxing Moon")(set: $waning to "Waning Moon")
(link: "$full")[
(replace: ?linkm)[\
(set: $fulla to it + 1)]
(link: "$waxing")[
(replace: ?linkm)[\
(set: $waxinga to it + 1)]
(link: "$waning")[
(replace: ?linkm)[\
(set: $waninga to it + 1)]
(link: "$new")[
(replace: ?linkm)[\
(set: $newa to it + 1)]
(link: "Hint")[Potions are best brewed when the moon emits the most power. "Lunar Astrology" contained information about this.]
(link: "Result")[(if: $fulla is 1)[You answered the riddle correctly! Try brewing the [[potion]] again.](else:)[You answered the riddle incorrectly. The oracle cannot save you, so you die from the potion's toxic fumes. (link-reveal-goto: "Play Again", "Intro")[(reload:)]]]
]After the series of strange images appear before your eyes, you notice a small [[book]] within the crystal ball.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" </iframe>(text-color:gray)[March (if: (monthday:) > 23)[(print: (monthday:) - 7)] (else:)[(print: (monthday:) + 7)] 2019]
(text-color:gray)[I lost a part of myself when she left me.](mouseout-replace: "I lost a part of myself when she left me.")[(text-color:white)[Her face, the way her deep brown hair cascaded down to her shoulders and harmonized with the wind- the memories came in bits and pieces, and incomplete flashes.]] (text-color:gray)[They say that freak accidents are unavoidable, that there is nothing anyone could have done to prevent them. She was hit by a drunk driver on a Sunday afternoon- how could anyone have predicted that, right? She was only on the road to pick up lunch for the both of us because I didn't want to pay for delivery. I may not have been able to control the other drivers, but I am the reason that she crossed paths with the drunk driver in the first place. Rose was the love of my life, and I was supposed to protect her at all costs- clearly that was not the case. I hate the man who killed her, but I hate myself so much more letting her go, for not handcuffing her to me so I could always protect her. Our love made me feel like the most powerful person in the world, but the loss is all consuming. I feel shriveled up and empty now that she’s gone. Rose was my moon, my stars, my entire universe; now all that’s left is a hollow shell of a human.](mouseout-replace: "I feel shriveled up and empty now that she’s gone. Rose was my moon, my stars, my entire universe; now all that’s left is a hollow shell of a human.")[(text-color:white)[The pain- the sensation of a demon reaching its hand into your chest and twisting your heart is unforgettable; it was always too much to bear, but [[never enough to kill you.]]]]April (if: (monthday:) > 21)[(print: (monthday:) - 9)] (else:)[(print: (monthday:) + 9)] 2019
The thought of losing Rose forever is unbearable. I see pieces of her spirit in everything. How could it be that she is truly gone? Her shadow lurks in the back of my mind; perhaps she is haunting me for not protecting her.
No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to escape the thought that I am the one to blame for Rose's death. I may not have physically killed her, but I couldn’t seem to [[save her]]. I will do anything to make things right again.
(mouseout: "I will do anything to make things right again.")[(text-color:red)[The paralyzing desperation begins to creep back into you- it's a feeling you will never forget.]]August (if: (monthday:) > 12)[(print: (monthday:) - 11)] (else:)[(print: (monthday:) + 11)] 2020
“The Council of Magic,” that’s what they call themselves. Apparently, they tried to destroy all Necromancy spells centuries ago- clearly that didn’t work. The council told me I needed to destroy the spell I used to try to bring Rose back, and remove my memory of the spell so that I wouldn’t become ‘too dangerous.’ I would rather watch the world get swallowed by hellfire than give [[them]] anything.September (if: (monthday:) > 23)[(print: (monthday:) - 7)] (else:)[(print: (monthday:) + 7)] 2020
They want to erase my memory as a punishment, to throw me back into the world of the mundane with no memory of magic or even of Rose. A small part of me wants to forget about her, and forget all of the pain and mistakes that her death brought, but I owe it to Rose to hold on to my [[memory]] of her. I couldn’t save her, but I can at least keep her alive in my mind. She may hate me from the afterlife for the mistakes that I’ve made, but I owe it to her to make things right- the proper way this time.July (if: (monthday:) > 25)[(print: (monthday:) - 5)] (else:)[(print: (monthday:) + 5)] 2019
It terrifies me, yet I cannot stop thinking about it. If it’s true, then the entire world as I knew it is in complete shambles, but it also means that Rose is still somewhere out there. It means that the traces of her soul that I feel everyday are actually her; perhaps that is just the thing I need to right the wrongs of her [[death]].Februrary (if: (monthday:) > 18)[(print: (monthday:) - 10)] (else:)[(print: (monthday:) + 10)] 2020
(transition:"dissolve") + (transition-time: 3s)[I am so close I can almost feel her. I know Rose is here, I just need to get to her.]
(set: $transCounter to 0)\
|sample1)[(transition: "dissolve")[I’ve been practicing. I can feel the magical power coursing through my veins.]]
|sample2)[(transition: "dissolve")[I found a spell that can bring her back. It requires the [[soul]] of another to balance the scales of life and death.]]
(live: 6s)[
(set: $transCounter to it + 1)
(if: $transCounter is 1)[
(show: ?sample1)
(else-if: $transCounter is 2)[
(show: ?sample2)
May (if: (monthday:) > 26)[(print: (monthday:) - 4)] (else:)[(print: (monthday:) + 4)] 2020
I performed the resurrection ritual last night. I will never forget the way her body became filled with life as the life drained from the sacrifice beside her. As soon as she opened her eyes, I could see the fear in them. All this time, Rose's spirit watched me grieve and desperately search for ways to bring her back. She saw how much I was devoted to her and how willing I was to give her life, yet she looked at me with disgust. She told me she could never love "the person I had become." Though she knew how much time I spent hating myself after she died, and saw that I loved her so much that I would do anything to bring her back to me, Rose looked at me with such hate. Rather than thank me for the gift I gave her, she grabbed the dagger I used in the ritual and plunged it into her chest. She called me selfish and cruel, but forcing me to live through her death once again was the ultimate act of cruelty. I am the one with the [[power]] to bring her back- how could she possibly refuse it? [I made the sacrifice of taking someone else’s life]<sacrifice| just to give hers back to her- you can’t get more selfless than that.
(mouseout: "?sacrifice")[(text-color:grey)[Your blood turns cold and you feel sick to your stomach. How could this possibly be true? Though you try to block out the memories of your past, the shadow of death comes creeping back in.]]I may have underestimated [[the council]] just a bit...(current-date:)
Dear (print: $playerName),
I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now. Your entire world was turned upside down in a matter of hours, and it must have been terrifying. You needed to remember the world of magic; though you may think it destroyed your life, it also brought a child-like wonder back to your world. It has its dangers and its risks, but you deserve the chance to choose it. Not out of desperation to bring back the love of your life or out of rage and a lust for power, but out of a desire to know the unknown world. The first time you discovered magic, it was out of a pain that only grew as you continued to practice. You don’t remember, but it caused the pain to fester and increase- you truly lost yourself.
I decided to turn The Council’s punishment into a second chance for you to rediscover magic, but you may be wondering how I did it:
You see, I know your skepticism all too well, and if I didn’t lock you here and give you some ‘encouragement,’ you would simply leave without knowing the truth. I needed to make sure that you would learn the truth about magic without the council knowing, so I developed a series of magical clues and tasks for you to complete that would only be revealed if done in the proper order. I needed to hide the truths about magic under several layers of concealed clues; this way, the council would be unable to detect the presence of magic, at least for the amount of time that it takes them to travel back to their headquarters. I told the council to go to this cottage for the memory wipe, knowing that it would cause you to faint and wake up hours after the councilmen had left- giving you the chance to solve the mystery.
You may want nothing to do with magic now, but at least you have the choice to [[stay]] or to [[escape]].
Pre-memory wipe (print: $playerName)
After all of the mysterious things that have happened in this room, you wonder if you could reach out your hand and grab the (link-reveal: "book. ")[As it turns out, you are correct.
You pull the black leather book out of the world of the crystal ball and see the word [[journal]] written on the spine. Perhaps the journal will shed some light on the bizarre visions you saw in the crystal ball.](if: (passage:)'s tags contains "notimer")[]
(elseif: (history:) contains "Test Potion")[<script>
(live: 1s)[(set: $time to it - 1)
(if: (passage:)'s tags contains "notimer")[]
(elseif: (history:) contains "Test Potion")[(stop:)]
(else:)[(if: $time is 0)[(stop:)+(go-to: "Intro")]]]Though your past experiences with magic were dark, you learned your lesson and choose to stay in the cottage.
Part Two (click: "Part Two")[(open-url: "")]
(link-goto: "Play Again", "Intro")You will never forget the incredible things you learned tonight, but after knowing your past experiences with magic, you leave it all behind.
(link-goto: "Play Again", "Intro")(if: (history:) contains "potion")[(link: "Oracle's Advice")[Review the [potion recipe]<potionrecipe| once again. This time, pay attention to the exact order for each ingredient]
(click: "?potionrecipe")[To escape death:
You must follow each step in this exact order:
*Risks: death, comas, paralysis*
1. Pour water from the river Styx into cauldron
2. Add vial of crushed unicorn horn and slowly mix until dissolved
3. Stir rattlesnake blood into mixture
4. Crush leaves of the tree of life and sprinkle on top
5. Add a strand of (print: $playerName + "'s") hair
6. Slowly pour liquified gold from the ancient city of gold while mixing
Warning: If you do not follow each step exactly, you will surely die]
Review [potion ingredients']<ingredients| color correspondences:
(click: "?ingredients")[Rattlesnake blood (Red)
Crushed Unicorn horn (Purple)
Leaves from the tree of life (Green)
Water from the river styx (Blue)
Liquified gold from the ancient city of gold (Gold)
<img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=>]]
(if: $inv contains "potion ingredients") + (unless: (history:) contains "potion")[(link: "Oracle's Advice")[Review the potion recipe and ingredients and brew the potion, don't forget to grab a healing potion!]]
(if: $inv contains "potion recipe") + (unless: $inv contains "potion ingredients")[(link: "Oracle's Advice")[You now have the potion recipe. Go to the mahogany cabinet to gather your potion ingredients.]]
(if: $inv contains "cipher key") + (unless: $inv contains "potion recipe")[(link: "Oracle's Advice")[You now have the cipher key. Visit the desk to decode the scroll.]]
(if: $inv contains "star card") + (unless: $inv contains "cipher key")[(link: "Oracle's Advice")[To reveal the invisible knowledge on the blank pages, use the potion that contains bottled stars.]]
(if: $inv contains "moon card") + (unless: $inv contains "star card")[(link: "Oracle's Advice")[The moon is a source of great magical power; read a book containing information about the moon.]]
(if: $inv contains "hanged man card") + (unless: $inv contains "moon card")[(link: "Oracle's Advice")[Death has visited the hanged man, now you must visit liquid death.]]
(if: $inv contains "knight card") + (unless: $inv contains "hanged man card")[(link: "Oracle's Advice")[The valiant knight holds a sword; visit the desk to find a similar weapon.]]
(if: $inv's length is 0)[(link: "Oracle's Advice")[You need to take a closer look at the tarot card. That's where you'll find your first clue.]]
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
I must give a warning now...This game is not for the faint of heart.
If you experience claustrophobia, enter at your own risk. After all, you are about to be trapped in a remote cottage.
This game is quite different from others; it contains magic. As a result, many of the items will change as you progress through your quests. In other words, expect the unexpected. You will only have 30 minutes to escape the cottage; if you do not beat the game in time, you will surely die.
If you muster up the courage to play anyway, be sure to enter your name when prompted. Each time you find a clue, it will be located in your Inventory. If you cannot manage to escape the right way, you may consult the Oracle's eye by clicking on the eye at the bottom of the page. Would you like to enable hints?
Go straight to the Ending
Without further ado,
Let's Begin...